How to spring clean your digital marketing

Spring - and a new financial year for many businesses - are both here. This means there’s no better time for a marketing refresh, enabling your business to capitalise on its growth potential.

Follow these key tips to declutter your digital marketing and start the new financial year afresh, with targeted strategies to secure growth:

  1. Declutter your content

    Weed out outdated blog posts, social media updates & landing pages. Update where necessary, focusing on quality over quantity to ensure your content remains fresh & engaging

  2. Refresh your analytics

    Give your analytics reporting a spritz. Are you tracking & measuring the data you really need? Update your reports to ensure your data shows you the full picture & can be used to refine your strategies

  3. Reoptimise your SEO

    SEO optimisation never stands still. Conduct keyword research & an SEO audit to ensure your business is fully set up to target the right search terms & audiences

  4. Scrub up your email list

    Remove inactive subscribers to ensure your messages reach those who are genuinely interested & update your segmentation to match your business strategies for the financial year

  5. Update your editorial calendar

    Review your content calendar for the financial year ahead focusing on current trends, holidays, awareness days & events. Plan ahead to

    stay relevant

So which will you be focusing on first?

If you need help with your spring clean, just get in touch and we can talk you through the process step by step.


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