What we can deliver for your business_

Google Analytics site overview screenshot
Spybey Digital with client at a laptop
Social media apps on phone home screen
Hand pointing to laptop screen with Spybey Digital contact page

Brand voice & footprint


We all know that first impressions count. But this is especially true online, where you have just seconds to pique a potential customer’s interest before they continue scrolling.

By identifying and communicating your true brand voice you can instantly start building deeper emotional connections with customers and potential leads.

Spybey Digital can help you determine this voice and translate it into authentic content across your website, social media platforms and newsletter campaigns.

It’s time to start cultivating a meaningful relationship with your customers to help your brand leave a lasting impression.

Two men gathered round a laptop pointing at the screen


Content creation

Content is not just king, as the saying goes, it is critical. The way you tell your story online makes all the difference.

Talk us through your business ambitions and we can create fully SEO-focused content to promote your message that will draw new customers into the top of your conversion funnel while also engaging and building loyalty with your regulars.

Work with someone you can trust with your brand’s voice and purpose, to deliver a new content strategy that converts.

Two women looking at a laptop in a corporate office

Social media strategy


Want to get your brand noticed? Social media is one of the key tools in any brand’s marketing armoury, but its capabilities are often under-utilised and misunderstood.

By effectively harnessing the power of social media you can interact with your customers where they are already spending time browsing and quickly tap into the most relevant conversations, putting your brand front and centre of mind.

Intriguing and creative organic social media campaigns – when focused on the platforms most relevant to your business – place your company in front of both new and existing customers, enabling you to ignite interest in your brand, boost your customer base and generate sales.

Social media is in Spybey Digital’s DNA. Together let’s make some noise around your brand.

Hand holding phone with property social media account on screen

Google & social media ads


When seeking to target a specific message to select audiences, Google and social media ads provide the perfect solution.

No matter the size of your budget, Spybey Digital devises unique and creative ad campaigns that drive website traffic, deliver conversions, generate higher quality leads and build brand awareness.

Our research and data-driven approach makes us experts at identifying and targeting relevant niche audiences at the right point in the conversion funnel with ads that speak directly to those individuals, ensuring your brand enjoys the best possible return on ad spend.

It’s time to catapult your brand to the top of search results, onto your ideal customers’ social media feeds and onto the webpages they’re browsing, with targeted, cost-effective and results-led ad campaigns.

Owner, Kat Spybey looking at phone



It’s time to get your brand noticed. By optimising your website landing pages to suit the latest Google algorithm, you can make sure your business stands out from the crowd and from your competitors.

The application of key SEO techniques, in the back-end of your website and across your content, will propel your business to the top of the first page of Google’s search results for your target keywords.

Let’s amplify your business’ visibility and traffic through SEO, knocking your competitors off the lucrative top spot.

Man looking at Google on a laptop


User experience

The ease with which customers can navigate your website is key to conversion. The slightest hiccup could prove costly and brand damaging.

Using the latest analytical tools Spybey Digital can help identify and rectify user experience pinch points across your website.

Make sure your website is friction-free and the best shop window for your business, with no customer journey or site speed issues holding you back.

Two hands pointing to laptop screen



Kat Spybey giving a lecture

Tailored specifically to your needs, Spybey Digital can provide in-depth and hands-on training to cover all the areas mentioned above, setting your team up to take the reins and get results for themselves.

Let us support you and your team in becoming the experts.

Centre:mk social media profile on phone screen

One of the UK’s top 10 shopping centres

214% YoY rise in LinkedIn impressions  

  • To take on and revamp the LinkedIn Company Page of one of the UK’s top 10 shopping centres, converting this into a valuable B2B marketing tool for the shopping centre, enabling the business to reach and speak directly to key stakeholders and potential new retail, F&B and leisure tenants

  • Spybey Digital was tasked with developing and delivering an ongoing LinkedIn social media strategy for one of the UK’s top 10 shopping centres, with the aim of raising brand awareness and creating noise around the scheme and its retail offer, increasing follower numbers and direct engagement, and building loyalty with the mall’s existing retail tenants.

    This strategy has involved the creation of unique social-first B2B content designed to pique the interest of the shopping centre’s target audience, which has included highlighting the scheme’s incredibly strong ESG credentials and industry leading efforts to limit its environmental impact, the creation of infographics detailing how the centre outperforms on key sales benchmarks, and the promotion of key new store openings to demonstrate the growing strength of the scheme.

    Alongside this project, Spybey Digital has also been tasked with devising and delivering the brand’s ongoing LinkedIn and Instagram social media strategy, with a focus on increasing both followers and engagement, building loyalty with existing clients, and raising brand awareness to reach new potential clients.

    • 133% YoY increase in followers

    • 214% YoY rise in LinkedIn impressions

    • 209% YoY boost in LinkedIn post clicks back through to the company’s website

Clients Say_

  • <autoplay speed=8></autoplay>“When we formed FMX Urban Property Advisers, Spybey Digital quickly rose to the challenge of ensuring our website conveyed exactly what we stood for as a new business. They were quick to understand the brief and worked closely with both sides of the new business as well as our web designer, shaping content that perfectly communicates our new business proposition to both our industry and to existing and prospective clients. Website visits are now also increasing up to 10% each month following its launch!"

    – David Justice | founding partner, FMX Urban Property Advisers

  • “I cannot recommend Kat highly enough. She is the only consultant to date that has inspired the team and achieved real results. Her training sessions were time very well-spent and have been instrumental in creating a step-change in our approach to digital marketing.”

    – Director | multinational tech and engineering firm (Under NDA)

  • "We couldn’t be happier to recommend Kat. She has been brilliant from Day 1, transforming our social media output and making our lives easy. An absolute pleasure to work with."

    – Nick Raven | partner, Hanover Green

  • "Spybey Digital has expertly devised - and continues to deliver on - our social media strategy which has markedly ramped up our presence on these platforms, enabling us to surpass the activities and engagement levels enjoyed by our benchmark competitors! Spybey Digital has been fantastic to work with – providing that all-important personal touch, rather than making us feel like just another client for a big organisation."

    Nick Symons | founding partner, FMX Urban Property Advisers

  • "Kat has been instrumental in helping develop and enhance our digital marketing. We're very grateful for her expert knowledge, creative inspiration and the constructive guidance she has given."

    – Hannah Eames | Co-founder, Inloco Childcare

  • “I had spent years second-guessing whether my website and digital profile were doing a good job of supporting my business, until I found Spybey Digital. Kat undertook a complete digital audit and I’m so impressed with the report and depth of research – Kat definitely knows her stuff. I only wish I’d done it sooner!

    – Philippa Stevens | founder, Philippa Stevens Yoga

  • “Kat really helped our team understand the potential of social media to help us connect with a range of different audiences. She gave us clear and easily digestible advice and some really practical tips which allowed us to make great progress immediately.”

    – Mary-Ann Foxwell | chief executive, Citizens Advice Wandsworth

  • “Kat very quickly understood the issues I was having with my various social media feeds – LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook – and came up with simple and practical solutions. It was very helpful indeed to have her expert input to help me make my efforts more targeted and more effective.”

    – Eric Musgrave | founder, Just Ask Eric

  • "Having worked with Spybey Digital for over two years we can vouch for their commitment, industry knowledge and responsive community management. Kat and the team can be relied upon to offer proactive suggestions and produce consistently well-written content that aligns with the brand, and frequently go the extra mile."

    Cathy Thornhill | Trinity College London Senior Marketing & Communications Manager, Arts Programmes
    John Molloy | Trinity College London Marketing Manager, UK & Ireland, Music

Let’s talk about how we can now deliver a similar strategy and results for your business

Pointing at laptop screen with Spybey digital contact page