5 reasons why you should be tickling the Facebook Pixel

Do you know how best to tickle the Facebook Pixel to ensure it is delivering for your business?

What is the Facebook Pixel?

The Facebook Pixel is an essential snippet of code that gets added to your brand’s website, enabling Facebook to gain valuable insights into your customers’ behaviours. This data can then be used in Facebook Ads Manager to inform and enhance your advertising campaigns.

Why does it matter?

If you are paying to advertise on Facebook and not utilising the Facebook Pixel to its full potential, quite simply you are missing a key trick and losing out on opportunities to gain greater value and results from your ads. 

Here are the five key reasons why you should be putting the Pixel to work to enhance your social media marketing, and crucially, to improve your return on ad spend (ROAS):

  1. Conversion Tracking – if your ads are directing customers to your website to learn more about your products and/or to make a purchase, you need to be able to track their behaviour once on your site, right? Where are they clicking and what are they clicking on? How are they engaging with your content and products? This information gives you the clearest possible indication of your ad’s success and also informs you about your customers’ intent and behaviours, enabling you to evolve not only your ads but also your website user journey.

  2. Retargeting – some of the most effective ads are focused on targeting people who have already engaged with your brand either via your Facebook page and posts, or via your website. Ultimately, people who have already engaged with your brand – particularly on your website viewing your products – are further down the conversion funnel and so ad spend on this audience tends to be much more efficient. Using the Facebook Pixel you can easily identify these people and create an audience for your ad to specifically target them.

  3. Optimising ads for higher-value customers – since the Pixel collects data on website visitors who make purchases and how much they spend, you can use this information for future campaigns to specifically target those most likely to spend, and spend more, on their next visit.

  4. Building custom audiences – having the Pixel installed enables you to use data to create custom audiences for your campaigns based on any tracked dimension. This could be an audience based on those who have visited a particular page on your website, or perhaps people who have spent a certain amount of time browsing your site so have shown a higher level of interest.

  5. Capitalise on lookalike audiences – once the Pixel is firing on your website and gathering data, you can use this information to build lookalike audiences, targeting people who have similar characteristics to those already engaging with your business. This enables you to create an entirely new marketing pool based on people that are likely to be interested in your brand but just haven’t discovered you yet. In terms of increasing reach and brand awareness this is vital.

    And your bonus reason (you’re welcome!):

  6. Dynamic ads – fast becoming one of the more efficient ways of achieving ROAS compared to other ad types, using dynamic ads means Facebook does a lot of the hard work for you. Harnessing the data gained from your Pixel, dynamic ads will target the most relevant ad content you’ve created at customers based on their specific behaviours. This gives your ad the best possible chance of leading to a crucial conversion.

To find out more about how to set up the Facebook Pixel on your site and to get it working harder to deliver on your specific marketing goals, get in touch.

Bryony Melhuish

Creative brand + web studio for businesses that want to go place.


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