How to boost ROAS across Google and social media

The power of Google and social media ads should never be underestimated. Often the first touchpoints with your brand for new prospective customers, they represent a key opportunity to engage with those who have already demonstrated an interest in your type of business or products.

But ensuring these ads are fully optimised and delivering the best return on ad spend (ROAS) possible is crucial. Get it right and you can cost-effectively and instantly place your business in front of potential customers that are already engaging with and actively browsing for content and products like those you offer. But mistakes can prove costly, both in terms of wasted ad budget and brand reputation.

Here’s how you can catapult your brand to the front of customers’ minds with targeted, cost-effective and data-driven campaigns:

  1. Ensure your ad copy speaks directly to your target audience. You have about 3 seconds to pique browsers’ interest before they continue their scroll, so your copy needs to instantly capture attention – be engaging, intriguing, leave them wanting to know more so they click through to your landing page

  2. Nail down your audience so you are targeting those most relevant to your business and product. Don’t be vague – social media and Google advertising platforms allow for very granular targeting by demographics, interests and browsing habits so make full use of this. Develop ads specifically targeted to each audience segment. You can’t attempt a one-size-fits-all approach and expect to get stellar results

  3. Exclude those not relevant to your campaign. For Google ads, research your keywords thoroughly and identify those being used by your target audience. Apply negative keywords to your campaign to narrow your audience and make sure you are only spending money on those likely to be interested in your product. The same applies for social media ads – ensure you exclude interests, demographics and job titles etc that are not relevant to your campaign

  4. For social media ads, use video content! This is particularly important for top-of-the-funnel ad campaigns. Video attracts significantly higher rates of engagement and click through, with a lower cost per click than static imagery, so take advantage of this

  5. Select the most compelling call-to-action button for your campaign. Think what will incentivise the reader to click through – are you asking them to buy your product or learn more about your business?

  6. Optimise your campaign’s landing page to ensure once customers have committed to click through the rest of their journey to conversion is seamless and fully answers their needs. The perfect landing page will be focused and hyper-relevant to the ad that users have clicked through from, as well as being persuasive and user-friendly.

  7. Monitor, analyse and reiterate. Once you have launched your ad campaign, your work is far from done. Track its performance and make any adjustments needed as you go to ensure you are getting the most out of your campaign and maximising your ROAS.

Whether you’re looking for support to launch your first Google or social media ads for your brand or for a new product launch, or perhaps you’re after an audit of your existing campaigns and a refreshed strategy, get in touch today!

Bryony Melhuish

Creative brand + web studio for businesses that want to go place.

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